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Today, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised people “to avoid cruise travel regardless of their vaccination status.” With this announcement, Jazz Cruises has asked Celebrity Cruises to cancel its January 17 – 24, 2022, January 24 – 31, 2022, January 31 – February 7, 2022 and February 7 – 14, 2022 sailings. We are awaiting their response.
Please note that, at this time, those sailings have not been cancelled or rescheduled. As more information becomes available, we will advise you accordingly. We do not anticipate having any further information until after the holiday weekend.
View the full CDC guidance here.

Original COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
What vaccines are accepted for the Proof of Vaccination requirement?
- Vaccines that are fully approved or authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO) are accepted. Sputnik V and CanSino are not accepted COVID-19 vaccines. Please be aware that certain countries we sail from or visit during a voyage may require a specific vaccine, and only those travelers vaccinated with the requisite vaccine will be considered fully vaccinated. Be sure to review your departure country’s requirements or consult our guest materials prior to sailing for these requirements.
Vaccinations Accepted
Will I be considered fully vaccinated if my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is from one manufacturer and the second dose is from another?
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has clarified their position regarding mixed vaccinations and provided Celebrity Cruises with updated guidance.
- For ALL sailings, including US and Global Departures, the CDC will now recognize a mixed series of any two of the following vaccines, with a minimum of 28 days between doses, as fully vaccinated:
- Pfizer
- Moderna
- Johnson & Johnson,
- AstraZeneca
- Sinovac
- Sinopharm
- Guests who received the Janssen (aka Johnson & Johnson) vaccine before or after another COVID-19 vaccine should be considered to have received a valid, single-dose Janssen vaccination—not a mixed vaccination series—and are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
- To be recognized as fully vaccinated, guests 12 years of age and older, must complete a vaccine series with the last dose administered at least 14 days prior to sailing.
- Some ports of call may not accept mixed vaccines and therefore could prevent guests with mixed vaccines from going ashore.
Mixed Doses of Vaccines
- For ALL sailings, including US and Global Departures, the CDC will now recognize a mixed series of any two of the following vaccines, with a minimum of 28 days between doses, as fully vaccinated:
Are COVID-19 Booster Vaccines required to sail?
- COVID-19 Booster Vaccine shots are not required to sail. However, guests who have received 3 or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, due to booster regimens, will be considered fully vaccinated if at least one of these conditions is satisfied:
- At least 2 of the doses are Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sinovac or Sinopharm administered at least 28 days apart. The final dose must be completed at least 14 days before sailing.
- At least 1 dose is Johnson & Johnson, completed at least 14 days before sailing.
- COVID-19 Booster Vaccine shots are not required to sail. However, guests who have received 3 or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, due to booster regimens, will be considered fully vaccinated if at least one of these conditions is satisfied:
What forms of COVID-19 Vaccination Records will be accepted?
- In general, only vaccines that are fully approved or authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO) will be accepted. Certificates of Recovery are not accepted at this time.
- Acceptable proofs of full vaccination include:
- COVID-19 vaccination card (original card only) no photos or photocopies accepted, laminated vaccination cards will be accepted.
- Digital COVID-19 certificate to include Full Legal Name (matching travel documents), DOB, brand of vaccine and dose dates.
- Record of COVID-19 vaccination from a healthcare provider including original digital email notification to include Full Legal Name (matching travel documents), DOB, brand of vaccine and dose dates.
- Acceptable COVID-19 vaccination documentation must be in the form of the original document issued by the country’s health authority or healthcare provider that administered the vaccination.
- If you are concerned as to whether your “proof” qualifies, send us a copy and we will submit it to Celebrity Cruises for approval.
Will laminated vaccination cards be accepted?
- Yes, we will accept a laminated vaccination card.
Printed Pre-Arrival Testing Result
What Type of COVID-19 Tests are accepted?
Accepted Types of Tests and Results
- There are two common types of diagnostic COVID-19 tests and we accept either one:
- A molecular test, also called a PCR test or NAAT test
- An antigen test, also called a rapid antigen test
- The test must be supervised by a health professional, such as a doctor, pharmacy technician, public health worker, or telehealth representative.
- You must receive a valid results document from your test provider that includes provider name, your name, the date the test was taken, type of test, and your negative result. This can be a printed document, email, or telehealth app notification. Handwritten doctor’s notes will not be accepted.
- Telehealth testing at home is only accepted when it meets certain guidelines. See below.
Tests We Do Not Accept- Antibody tests are not accepted, as they do not detect a current infection.
- Home test kits that are self-administered at home, and not supervised live by a telehealth professional, are also not accepted.
- There are two common types of diagnostic COVID-19 tests and we accept either one:
Where and When to Get Your Test
Most local pharmacy chains offer COVID-19 Testing and most county or state websites can help you find a local public testing site. You can also go to a doctor’s office, diagnostic lab, or telehealth provider to get your test.
Some additional things to keep in mind when scheduling your test:
- For sailings that require a pre-cruise test, you will be asked to take the test no more than 2 days for vaccinated guests. How to calculate “2 days” before: The day you set sail is not included as one of the days. For example, if you are setting sail on a Saturday, you can take the test Thursday or Friday.
- Make sure that your selected test provider can provide you a valid results document in time for your travel. Please note that Rapid Antigen tests produce results within 24 hours in most cases.
- Search the Covid-19 Testing Site Finder to locate a facility in Miami near you: COVID-19 Testing Site Finder (
- National Testing Providers:
Order An Approved Home-Test Kit
For fully vaccinated guests living in the United States, a home-test kit is available for purchase. We are working with Optum, an authorized medical provider to offer this option to our guests. Click here to purchase the Abbott BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Ag Card Home Test
- Complete your pre-cruise test kit at home or any place of your choosing with the help of live video supervision by a Certified Guide. This test kit will be delivered anywhere in the United States, within three business days following your order date. For the best shipping experience, we recommend placing your order at least a full week before the day you plan to take your test. Your validated test results will be delivered within 15 minutes. For Additional Details on Telehealth Testing and the Abbott BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Ag Card Home Test click here
- To show just how easy it is to complete the Celebrity Cruises-approved Home-Test, Jazz Cruises Executive Director Michael Lazaroff and his wife Paula recorded their experience before heading to Florida for a recent cruise. Watch the video below to see just how easy and fast the process is:
Same-Day Testing
Jazz Cruises is working with an accredited laboratory to provide a mobile testing location at/near the Terminal for guests who cannot find a pre-cruise test or could not secure results in time. There will be very limited availability by appointment only, so we strongly recommend guests schedule their COVID–19 test prior to traveling. For more information on the types of COVID–19 tests Celebrity Cruises accepts, click here. For more information on additional testing for homeport or home country re-entry, click here.
Jazz Cruises Testing Location Information:
Cruise | Dates/Times | Location |
The Jazz Cruise 2022 | Jan. 16th, 2-8PM | Hilton Miami Blue Lagoon 5101 Blue Lagoon Dr, Miami, FL 33126 |
The Smooth Jazz Cruise 2022: Back To Sea | Jan. 23rd, 2-8PM | Hilton Miami Blue Lagoon 5101 Blue Lagoon Dr, Miami, FL 33126 |
The Smooth Jazz Cruise 2022.1 | Jan. 30th, 2-8PM | Hyatt Regency 400 S, SE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33131 |
The Smooth Jazz Cruise 2022.2 | Feb. 6th, 2-8PM | Miami Marriot Biscayne Bay 1633 N Bayshore Dr, Miami, FL 33132 |
“Last Chance” Testing Option
If for whatever reason a guest is unable to complete their COVID-19 test prior to the day of embarkation. They are to proceed to the terminal and go through that process there. If all other opportunities fail, you may complete a test at the pier, immediately in front of the main entrance to Terminal G. The test is being administered in association with Celebrity Cruises and costs $105 for an antigen test. The entire process should take less than 30 minutes.
How do I calculate which days I may take my pre-cruise COVID-19 test?
- Guests must take their pre-cruise test no more than 2 days before boarding. When calculating which days you can take your test, be aware that the day you set sail is not counted as one of the days.
- How to calculate which days to take your test: You must take your test no more than 2 days before embarkation. Therefore, if you are setting sail on a Monday, you can take your test on Saturday or Sunday. You may also take it on Monday morning if necessary — however, we don’t recommend waiting until the last minute.
Are there additional testing options onboard if I am required to have one for homeport or home country re-entry?
- Additional tests will be administered onboard, free of charge, if required for homeport, or home country re-entry. For the latest on Testing and Travel Requirements by homeport Country, please visit Country Travel Requirements.
Is there a testing option for those who sail on back-to-back cruises?
- Guests who sail on back-to-back cruises must show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 and are required to take a COVID-19 test producing negative results between each sailing. This test will be administered by Celebrity Cruises at no expense to the guest, as long as your consecutive cruises are less than two days apart. Visit Guest Services while onboard to arrange this test ahead of your next cruise.
Passport or Other Qualifying Form of Identification
What documentation is required to board?
- The current boarding procedure for Celebrity Cruises requires that Each Guest Must Bring the following printed information to the Cruise Terminal as a condition to boarding:
What passport or other qualifying form of identification is accepted?
- We strongly recommend that all guests travel with a valid passport with at least six (6) months validity during their cruise. This greatly assists guests who may need to fly out of the United States to meet their ship at the next available port should they miss their scheduled embarkation in a U.S. port; guests entering the U.S. at the end of their cruise; and guests needing to fly to the U.S. before their cruise ends because of medical, family, personal or business emergencies, missing a ship’s departure from a port of call, involuntary disembarkation from a ship due to misconduct, or other reasons.
- Guests who need to fly to the United States before their cruise ends will likely experience significant delays and complications related to booking airline tickets and entering the United States if they do not have a valid U.S. passport with them.
Sea Travel (for U.S. and Canadian citizens only)- For voyages that begin and end in the same U.S. Port, U.S. citizens may travel with both a Government-issued birth certificate** and Government-issued picture ID card, such as a driver’s license. **A ‘birth certificate’ is issued by a government agency (state, county, city, etc.). This document (with seal and signature) is legal proof of citizenship that can be used by U.S. citizens for certain international travel. A ‘birth notice’ is issued by a hospital or other type of medical facility but it is not an approved travel document. It is a courtesy document that merely indicates where a birth occurred. It has no legal status and cannot be used to prove citizenship for international travel purposes.
Celebrity’s Online Check-In Process
Will we be required to complete a Health Questionnaire and when must that be completed?
- Yes, each guest will be required to complete a Health Questionnaire. This cannot be completed prior to Embarkation Day, but you may review the questionnaire prior to boarding here: Health Questionnaire
When do I complete Celebrity’s online check-in to obtain a Xpress Pass?
Celebrity’s Online Check-In and Xpress Pass
- All guests must complete Celebrity’s Online Check-In process starting 45 days prior to embarkation and no later than 48 hours prior to embarkation. Once you have completed the Online Check-In process, you will receive an Xpress Pass. It indicates that you successfully completed the check-in process for yourself and those guests listed on your Xpress Pass. Print the Xpress Pass and present it at the Terminal to expedite your boarding process. Guests may experience significant delays if they do not check-in online or do not have their printed Xpress Pass with them at the Terminal.
- Important Note: During the Online Check-in process, you will be asked to select a Terminal Arrival Time. These times are not a suggestion, they will be mandatory.
- All guests must complete Celebrity’s Online Check-In process starting 45 days prior to embarkation and no later than 48 hours prior to embarkation. Once you have completed the Online Check-In process, you will receive an Xpress Pass. It indicates that you successfully completed the check-in process for yourself and those guests listed on your Xpress Pass. Print the Xpress Pass and present it at the Terminal to expedite your boarding process. Guests may experience significant delays if they do not check-in online or do not have their printed Xpress Pass with them at the Terminal.
Additional Health & Safety FAQ
What are Celebrity’s air filtration and cleaning protocols for the cruise?
- We are happy to report that Celebrity Cruises has enhanced their onboard air filtration system as well as cleaning protocols. The ship’s enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols as well as enhanced medical center set a new industry standard.
- The onboard HVAC system continuously supplies and filters 100% fresh, filtered air to all spaces. You can breathe easy knowing the robust system’s layers of protection make the transmission of aerosol particles between spaces extremely low to virtually impossible.
Will there be any changes to stateroom cleaning services?
- Staterooms are cleaned daily and only while guests are out of the room, with particular attention paid to frequently used items and surfaces. All stateroom and housekeeping attendants will be continuously trained on the latest sanitization guidelines. We’ll ensure cleaning standards are upheld through frequent stateroom inspections using black light technology to show surface wiping efficacy. Crew will have mandatory, ongoing training classes and refreshers that are documented to ensure all the latest protocols are being followed, in compliance with various international regulations, including the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), and the International Organization for Standardization(ISO).
Will there be any changes to the dining experiences onboard?
- There will some modification to services and experiences. Celebrity Cruises staff will be vaccinated and masked, as required. “Self-serving” options in the Ocean View Cafe will be limited.
How does Celebrity Cruises decide if it is safe for the ship to visit a destination?
- We will regularly monitor ports of call on our itineraries, with the intent to minimize the risk to our guests, our crew, and the communities we visit. We will make a determination based on several prerequisites, including the prevalence of COVID-19, access to vaccination and availability of testing at those destinations.
What health and safety measures are in place for shore excursions?
- Excursions organized by Celebrity Cruises and booked through our charter will only include guests from our sailing. All excursion staff is contracted through Celebrity Cruises and will be vaccinated.
Will I be able to explore ports of call as I would have on previous sailings?
- We anticipate this answer will be yes, but it depends on conditions at the time of our sailing. If Celebrity Cruises, in conjunction with the CDC, determines that any port of call requires additional safety protocols, some or all of the following may be required: social distancing, wearing a mask, and only exploring outside venues. We will communicate all safety protocols for each port of call closer to our sailing date.
Are masks welcomed aboard?
- Our team encourages you to do what makes you feel the most comfortable. If you wish to wear a mask in any situation, please feel free to do so. Masks are required in the cruise terminal and potentially in some ports of call. Masks are not required on the ship. However, guests are encouraged to do whatever makes them feel most comfortable and safe. Those who wish to wear a mask are free to do so in any situation.
If I have Travel Guard insurance provided through AIG, will I be covered if I am diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to/while traveling?
- If you contract COVID-19 prior to your departure, you may be covered for Trip Cancellation if there is a confirmed diagnosis, including proof of illness from your doctor that states you are medically unable to travel at the time of departure.
- If you become ill with COVID-19 while on a covered trip, you could be covered for Medical Expense, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, and Emergency Medical Evacuation benefits if there is a confirmed diagnosis, including proof of illness from a doctor.
- Trip Interruption can provide coverage for the unused portion of your prepaid and non-refundable expenses, as well as additional transportation expenses incurred to return home or rejoin your trip.
- Trip Delay can provide coverage for additional expenses you may incur for hotel, meals and certain transportation costs incurred if you are required by a physician to quarantine.
- Medical Expense and Emergency Medical Evacuation can provide coverage for medical expenses incurred while being treated for COVID-19.
- These coverages are subject to the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
If a guest or crew member tests positive on board, what is Celebrity Cruises’ response plan?
- In the event any of our guests or crew tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 onboard, we have a robust, tiered response plan in place that we’ve developed with guidance from local authorities and leading public health experts. The tiers increase protocols and vigilance onboard while providing transparent updates to guests the whole way. In partnership with local authorities, Celebrity Cruises has developed transport protocols to ensure the ship can return to port and impacted guests get home safely.
If a guest tests positive and is moved to isolation, what care and amenities will be available to them?
- Guests, and their traveling party, that test positive for SARS-CoV-2 will move to isolation staterooms that are closer to the Medical Center and will enjoy complimentary amenities like Wi-Fi and room service, along with regular visits or tele-consultations with medical staff to monitor their wellness.
If a guest or crew member starts feeling unwell during a voyage, what steps are taken? Can Celebrity Cruises test for SARS-CoV-2 while on the cruise, and if so, how soon does Celebrity Cruises have results?
- If any of our guests or crew members ever feel unwell during their sailing, they can be evaluated by medical staff, with an in-stateroom visit or by video tele-consultation. Rapid SARS-CoV-2 tests can be conducted right onboard in our medical lab that allows for rapid, accurate onsite RT-PCR testing with results in under an hour, alongside a multitude of other evaluative tests. This is just one capability of our enhanced Medical Center where we’ve added more doctors and nurses, upgraded equipment, and a dedicated Controlled Care Center where potentially infectious guests or crew can be cared for away from general medical areas.