Our History

The history of Jazz Cruises, LLC begins nearly 50 years ago, when Norwegian Cruise Line (“NCL”) sponsored an annual jazz cruise on the SS Norway. This program was a “group” cruise, meaning that the jazz program shared the ship with other passengers. Though this form of jazz cruise had its limitations, it was very successful for nearly two decades and provided the foundation for the birth of The Jazz Cruise in 2001 and the other 80 or so full ship charter theme cruises that followed.

These programs have operated under the names Traveline, Ltd., Jazz Cruises, LLC and Entertainment Cruise Productions and their themes have varied, but the formula for their success has been constant. Top talent, the highest level of production, first class accommodations and services and total dedication to making each and every guest fulfilled, and more, by their music vacation have been our guiding principles. Through consistency of leadership and the dedication of an experienced staff, we have achieved those goals. The proof is discernible in the statistics of our returning guests. Over 17,000 guests have sailed on our programs 4 or more times.

Jazz Cruises, LLC’s story is interesting. From its first sailing just weeks after 9/11 to the recent travails of the Pandemic, anecdotes abound. The cruises have sailed in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean. We have called on more than 40 different ports, presented over 400 different performers and entertained more than 165,000 guests. Not every moment has been easy and not everything we did worked. But, we have never waivered from our principles and our mission.

We invite you to read the history of Jazz Cruises, LLC, which follows in more detail. The story has been divided in 8 Sets. Just like our music sets, each one has a different theme, different players and different results. We are very proud of what we have produced over the years, but we are more proud of the excitement and pure pleasure that we have brought our guests. Yes, our music has been memorable, but our interactions with our guests and the friendships that we have made over the years is the true and lasting legacy of our endeavors. For that gift, we thank each and every guest.